Studio Pieter Stockmans

The ceramics artist Pieter Stockmans has been a reference when it comes to porcelain tableware and artistic articles. He already has years of experience with the material and he always handcrafts his magnificent items, focusing particularly on the use of white and the renowned Stockman's blue.
In Studio Pieter Stockmans he explores the limits of porcelain, together with his daughter Widukind. A few years ago they gave the Studio a further boost by moving their creative center and workshop to the C-Mine in Genk. When designing an object, Piet Stockmans always starts from the material itself. By fashioning the porcelain into ultra-thin, almost transparent objects he crafts the most unique creations, which he leaves unglazed on the outside. This allows the user to feel a close contact with the fragile, yet very long-lasting porcelain. An amazing feeling.
Using a contemporary and experimental approach, Studio Pieter Stockmans has designed three porcelain glasses especially for Duvel. No glass is alike. These differences immediately give the objects their unique character.