3 Gold awards in Germany

Meininger's International Craft Beer Award took place for the sixth time this year. With over 1,200 beers, the competition grows continuously and set, with 12 % increase, a new record in 2019. You as well have contributed to this and faced the growing competition with your beers, with success! We are pleased to announce that you have placed yourself among the best in this year's competition.
If you receive an e-mail like this, your day just can't go wrong. For the very first time, we took part in the Meininger’s International Craft Beer Awards, an international and highly-regarded competition held in Germany's Neustadt an der Weinstraße. Every beer is blind-tasted by a panel of 7 judges. We are really proud to report that we have won no less than four prizes: Liefmans Goudenband, Tripel d’Anvers and Firestone Walker Easy Jack IPA all received a Gold Award and Duvel a Silver Award.