Duvel 6.66%
Duvel 6.66% is an accessible beer with typical Duvel punch. Heavenly soft in taste, slightly aromatic and refreshingly fruity due the use of 6 refined hop varieties.

A Duvelishly combination

The sunny, warm yellow design of the bottles already suggests it. This Duvel is mild, expressive and deliciously drinkable.
No fewer than 6 different hop varieties are used for Duvel 6.66%: just like the classic Duvel, it’s based on the noble and exclusive hop varieties Saaz and Styrian Golding. The flavour is then balanced by adding four expertly selected hop varieties to the mix, which also involves the dry-hopping technique.
Duvel 6.66% already received two awards in its launch year:
- Gold medal in the Haute Fermentation/Blonde category at Le Concours International de Lyon.
- Gold medal in the Belgian Style Hoppy Blond category at the International Beer Challenge in the United Kingdom.

Duvel 6.66% is available in 33 cl bottles, but also on draft in classic 20 l barrels.
A major innovation for Duvel, which is available on a classic draft for the first time with Duvel 6.66%.
Discover Duvel 6.66% on draft now at a café or restaurant near you.